Health Benefits of Lavender

It's impossible to ignore the numerous benefits of lavender, a plant rich in esters that give it its tonic, pacifying, and antispasmodic qualities. But there's more! Lavender – scientific name, Lavandula angusta - also possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties thanks to its complex chemical composition.

Did you know lavender's nickname? Its the Mediterranean's little aromatic evergreen shrub! This delightful scented little shrub, noted for its charming purple flowers, has been greatly appreciated for its health and wellness benefits, as well as its beauty.

Let’s uncover some outstanding benefits of lavender, for our health, well-being, and beauty!

An array of lavender oils and products for well-being on a table.

12 Health Benefits of Lavender

1. Aromatherapy and Relaxation:

One of the best known benefits of lavender is its ability to soothe and calm the mind, providing relief from stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Ever experienced the scent of lavender essential oil? That fragrant waft has been found to promote an increase in alpha waves in the brain area associated with relaxation. Adding a few drops to your bath or pillow may help you gently drift off to sleep.

Here's a tip – whether it's in the form of essential oils, diffusers, sachets, or dried bundles, adding lavender into your living spaces can create a calm home environment.

2. Skincare and Beauty:
The beauty benefits of lavender are just amazing where it works as a skincare solution. With antioxidants and antibacterial properties packed into it, lavender can reduce skin redness, combat acne, and soothe irritated skin.

Enjoy your own at-home spa with skincare products infused with lavender essential oils for added healing, hydration, and a pleasantly subtle floral aroma. 

3. Stress Relief and Anxiety Management:
In our fast-paced society, stress and anxiety can creep up on us. Here's where lavender steps in. The calming scent is known to reduce feelings of restlessness and nervousness, offering mood uplifting effects in fighting depression. Research has revealed a significant decrease in anxiety levels and an overall mood improvement when using lavender products or inhaling its essential oil.

A wooden bowl with sprigs of lavender lying on top

4. Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation: Say goodbye to discomfort - the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties are among the most effective benefits of lavender. Studies have indicated that lavender can alleviate migraines, joint pain, and muscle soreness. It's also beneficial for respiratory health, easing cold, flu, and asthma symptoms.

5. Digestive Health: Never underestimate the digestive benefits of lavender! With its carminative and anti-spasmodic properties, ingesting lavender can help soothe symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps.

6. Hair Care and Scalp Health: Dandruff? Itchy scalp? Hair loss? The benefits of lavender range to these too! When topically applied, lavender essential oil can strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth and even leave hair feeling soft and shiny. See the link for our hair care recipes.

7. Respiratory Relief: Lavender is also effective for providing relief to the respiratory system. By inhaling lavender-infused steam or using a lavender chest rub or inhaler, one can experience relief from nasal congestion, sinus pressure, and coughing.

8. Improves Symptoms of Diabetes: According to a study that was published in 2014, lavender essential oil can effectively protect the body from the symptoms of diabetes such as increased blood glucose, metabolic disorders, weight gain, and kidney and liver dysfunction. It even showed that lavender was more powerful than Vitamin C in eliminating free radicals in the body that cause diabetes and other severe disorders.

9. Reduces Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: Did you know that high blood pressure can put extra strain on your heart and increase the risk of severe health problems like strokes and heart attacks? Interestingly, a little study conducted in 2017 showed some promising results! In this study, 40 people inhaled some diluted lavender essential oil after undergoing open-heart surgery. Guess what? They experienced a reduction in their blood pressure and heart rate! This suggests that the lavender essential oil had a positive impact on their crucial health signs. Pretty incredible, right? However, it's worth mentioning that the researchers of the study pointed out more research needs to be done to confirm these findings. They suggested a randomized controlled trial, which is the top tier in medical research, with a larger group of people. So, stay tuned for more updates on this potential health benefit!

10. Increase Circulation and help with Varicose Veins: Varicose veins can be a bit of a bother, can't they? With their swollen, twisty appearance, they not only make us a tad self-conscious but can also be pretty uncomfortable. That's where the magic of lavender comes into play. Thanks to its wonderful ability to boost circulation, lavender can be a real ally against those pesky varicose veins. It works by improving blood flow and easing that vein congestion, which means less swelling, less pain, and more comfort for you. So, embracing a bit of lavender might just make your legs feel lighter and healthier!

11. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Optimal circulation ensures that all tissues receive an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, which is essential for energy production and vitality. By enhancing circulation, the aroma of lavender helps boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and promote overall vitality. Improved blood flow to the brain can also enhance cognitive function and mental clarity, supporting productivity and well-being.

12. Anticancer Potential: Some studies suggest that lavender may have anticancer properties, including the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce apoptosis (cell death) in certain types of cancer, although more research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the mechanisms involved.

In conclusion, lavender is a versatile herb with a multitude of benefits for both physical and emotional well-being. Whether enjoyed as a fragrant bouquet, a soothing tea, or a luxurious skincare product, lavender has earned its rightful place as a beloved botanical ally in the quest for health, happiness, and harmony.

However, it's important to note that while lavender can offer these health benefits, it's not a replacement for medical treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen. Regardless, incorporating lavender into your lifestyle can certainly contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Before, I sign off, I also wanted to draw your attention to a minute number of people who may be allergic to lavender. See our page for details.

Some Answers to your Questions. See our FAQ Page for more Answers

Hi! I've planted some lavender in pots and now I'm wondering if they are going to grow too big for the containers they are in. Just how big does lavender grow?

Lavender can be grown very successfully in pots, as long as you are growing varieties that are known as 'dwarf' lavender that won't grow more than 12 inches or so. We have an article entitled: How big will lavender get? that covers your concerns. Happy gardening!

Do you have a recipe for lavender sugar?

Yes, we do actually. We have a great recipe with step-by-step instructions on how to make it and how long it will store for. Have fun making it. You can find the recipe here: How to Make Lavender Sugar.

Is Lavender Easy to Grow?

Luckily, the answer is yes, it is! It is one of those plants that you can pretty much neglect in your garden and it will bloom year after year. Lavender is easy to grow but there are some conditions that should be met to make your lavender growing success.